8 Innovative And Creative Animated JavaScript Slideshow Compilation For Creative Designers

1. Shuffling Tiles jQuery Plugin

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Shuffling Tiles combines elements from both and then some, producing a versatile, animated and

A basic events system, for advanced JavaScript customization.

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2. WOW Slider

WOW Slider

WOW Slider is a fantastic responsive image slider with

killer animations and tons of professionally made templates. NO Coding - WOW Slider is packed with a drag-n-drop wizard to create beautiful slideshows in a matter of seconds without coding and image editing. Wordpress plugin and Joomla module are available.

Also, you can share your slider on Facebook.

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3. Responsive Slideshow Photo Gallery Grid

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The Responsive Slideshow Photo Gallery has a fluid / flexible / responsive layout. Pure OOP JavaScript code, no usage of jQuery or other libraries, in this way there will be no incompatibilities with HTML pages that might be using jQuery or other JavaScript libraries. The Responsive Slideshow Photo Gallery is using the GPU (hardware acceleration) using HTML5 standards. Flexible / Fluid layout: you can control the size of the grid with CSS or JavaScript, basically it has an adaptable layout which makes it the perfect candidate for any type of project. Slideshow button (optional). Slideshow delay, the delay of the slideshow can be set in seconds. Slideshow autoplay. Slideshow custom animated graphics.

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4. Filter Slider - jQuery Image Manipulation

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The main goal of FilterSlider is to manipulate images and HTML slider jQuery using canvas, jQuery library and Javascript. Animated blocks

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5. Responsive KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin

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Use your Ken Burns Animated banner elements with the possibility of playing YouTube and Vimeo clips in a special detail view with describing text. You just need to know little HTML and Javascript.

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6. jAccordion - jQuery accordion

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Animated elements – Use additional attributes to fade any HTML element or animate change of its position inside a slide

Transition settings – You can specify delay, speed and transition method for every animated element

Extensive documentation – How to include accordion into your website, how to customize style of accordion, use of animated elements, custom preloader, custom timer, whatever you name should be documented.Images from graphicriver:1st image in homepage accordion by solarseven2nd image in homepage accordion by solarseven3rd image in homepage accordion by solarseven4th image in homepage accordion by solarseven5th image in homepage accordion by galdzerImages from deviantArt:mobile phones used in products list demo by PierocksmysocksOthers:jQuery – javascript libraryjQuery easing pluginspoon.

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7. Responsive Gridfolio

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Pure OOP JavaScript code, no usage of jQuery or other libraries, in this way there will be no incompatibilities with HTML pages that might be using jQuery or other JavaScript libraries. Responsive / Flexible / Fluid layout: you can control the size of the grid with CSS or JavaScript, basically it has an adaptable layout which makes it the perfect candidate for any type of project. Slideshow button (optional). Slideshow delay, the delay of the slideshow can be set in seconds. Slideshow autoplay. Slideshow custom animated graphics.

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8. Estro - jQuery Ken Burns & swipe effect slider

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This jQuery plugin loading animation uses unobstrusive javascript to transform a block of simple HTML slideshow markup into a georgous elegant slider, which can be completely customized using HTML5 data attributes. When using this plugin, your page layout will be consistent even if javascript has been disabled.Won’t break layout if javascript disabled.Optional animated popup preview thumbnails, including a Ken Burns transition.Integrated animated circular timer.

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9. KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin

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Use your Ken Burns Animated banner elements with the possibility of playing YouTube and Vimeo clips in a special detail view with describing text. You just need to know little HTML and Javascript.

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